Directions to the wedding

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Directions to the wedding


Directions from Hotel Agor to Biella Piazzo

The wedding ceremony will take place promptly at 11AM; please be seated by 10:45. We suggest leaving the hotel at 10AM in order to allow sufficient time.

There is a parking lot served by shuttles near the church and the reception area.

horizontal rule

bulletTake a right exiting the hotel parking lot.
bulletAt the first intersection, take a right. You will be in Via Aldo Moro.
bulletAt the first intersection, you will be at a roundabout. Take a left into via Lamarmora.
bulletGo straight through three roundabouts. The road will now be called via Ivrea.
bulletAbout 200m (200 yards) after the last roundabout, you should see a white sign pointing right reading "BORGO ANTICO PIAZZO", immediately after a slightly raised crosswalk. Take a right; it will be via Mantegazzi.
bulletAfter 500m, you will see a well signed parking lot on the left off of a tight right curve.

Click on picture for a full-size map
Map with directions to Biella Piazzo

 Church of San Giacomo
 Palazzo Lamarmora


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This page was last edited on 26-Oct-09